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Showing posts tagged with: digital marketing

Three Big Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring Help

by Karen Talavera

09 10, 2013 | Posted in Digital Marketing, Marketing Vision, Resources for Getting It Done | 0 comments

Melanie Benson Strick teaches how to avoid top 3 mistakes when hiring help After focusing on specific email marketing conundrums over the past several months, the Enlightened eMarketing blog is taking a breather to  focus on a major business conundrum we all face: hiring effective help. This month's guest post on the topic is courtesy of small business optimizer Melanie Benson Strick (pictured here). Melanie's advice isn't just for small businesses: whether you're a solo-preneur, small local enterprise, entrepreneurial start-up, or marketing professional in a large company, everyone eventually needs to hire help. (As you know, here at Synchronicity Marketing we offer digital and email marketing help: if you're wondering how we can become part of your Dream Team let's talk).   

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Creating Emotional Connections in Online Marketing (part 2)

by Karen Talavera

07 28, 2011 | Posted in Audience & List Growth, Digital Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Vision | 1 comments

Creating Emotional Connections with Magnetism

Creative Commons License photo credit: mscaprikell

In Part 1 of this series, I explained that marketing is not simply about hawking your wares. Certainly it’s about communicating what you have to offer, but how you do that is what makes the difference between feast and famine. Whether we know it and like it or not, most decisions in life are fueled at least in part by emotion, and that goes for buying decisions large and small. Our brains are equipped with both reasoning and emotional centers, and each factors into decision making.  More often than not, people buy from emotion and justify with reason, so it’s important to know how to emotionally connect with them. In online marketing, making emotional connections is especially important because the digital world is immediate, urgent and can seem highly impersonal.  It doesn’t give us the time or intimacy to know and trust people like face-to-face interactions do. That contributes to a lack of trust (and unfortunately, fraud) online, so allowing people to get to know you digitally goes a long way toward creating the confidence consumers and business people alike need to buy from you in any channel.  

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Social Media vs. Email Frequency: How Much is Too Much?

by Karen Talavera

07 19, 2011 | Posted in Email Marketing, Messaging Strategy, Social Media, Twitter | 0 comments

Social Media vs. Email Frequency

photo credit: katerha

This question was recently posed in a private online marketing group I belong to called Only Influencers: "If I can tweet five times a day, why can't I email five times a day?" Keep in mind Only Influencers is an invitation-only group of highly experienced and savvy digital marketers (most of the industry's "big names" in email already belong) from established and well-known brands, so they were not flippantly, but seriously, pondering the messaging norms we've come to think of as "acceptable" in different online marketing channels.  The question and the depth of discussion around it made me think, Why can't we? And if we can't or don't or won't, why not?  

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Using Social Media to Boost Your Email Marketing

by Karen Talavera

06 22, 2011 | Posted in Audience & List Growth, Email Marketing, Social Media | 0 comments

Social Media icons

photo credit: webtreats

I’m often asked what I believe to be the number one way to connect email and social media marketing.  Last month I tackled that question from the starting point of email.  This month I'm addressing it from the perspective of social media. Both connecting email to social and using social to strengthen and grow email matter because linking email and social media both ways is important. So if you have a strong or growing presence on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or more, what’s the best way to leverage it for expanding your email program?  

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Good Marketing Manners: The Importance of Saying Thank You

by Karen Talavera

02 16, 2011 | Posted in Customer Loyalty, Marketing Vision | 2 comments

Thank You

photo credit: mmatins

Unless you were raised by wolves in the wild, at some point you've learned it is polite to say "Thank You".  Not only is it proper etiquette, it's just downright considerate and gracious.  Yet for marketers, saying thank you is about much more than just being polite.  If you're in the business of building lasting, loyal customer relationships (and if you're not, please question why you're bothering to be in business at all) it's an essential practice that pays both monetary and good will dividends.  Without it, you're both at greater risk of customer flight and a sitting duck for the competition.  

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2011: Year of Marketing Alignment

by Karen Talavera

01 27, 2011 | Posted in Marketing Vision, Multi-Channel Marketing | 2 comments

Marketing alignment - holistic and working in harmony

photo credit: D.H. Parks

A little over a year ago, I theorized that 2010 would be the Year of Conscious Marketing.  And while I do think it has taken us more than a year to become conscious of how to use the increasingly fragmented and multiplying online marketing avenues available to us, 2010 certainly was a year in which the “what-how-which” and “why” finally began to gel for many business owners and marketing professionals. If 2009 was a watershed year – a year in which a lot of activity and change moved through at once – 2010 was what I called a waterfall year – all that change and activity began to come together in a cohesive flow.  Now, in 2011, it’s time to intentionally direct that flow to achieve our goals and desires.  

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Avoiding Forgotten Stepchild Syndrome in Email Design

by Karen Talavera

10 14, 2010 | Posted in Creative, Email Marketing | 0 comments

A good day out

photo credit: Pranavian

Thankfully, the days of silo-ed email marketing run by two techies hunched in a shared cubicle wedged into a forgotten corner far from the marketing department are largely over at most companies.  However, marketing email can still suffer from "forgotten stepchild syndrome" when it comes to design.

It's a fair enough question: "Should my email creative match the design/look/feel of my company's website?" Ideally yes, provided your website was created or at least had a face lift in the last few years.  (If it hasn't been touched since 2002, that's a different story.)  But in general, yes, from a creative standpoint your email marketing messages need to be included in your digital family.  

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How a Blog Can Take Your Marketing to New Heights

by Karen Talavera

08 31, 2010 | Posted in Audience & List Growth, Blog Marketing, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Marketing Vision, Multi-Channel Marketing, Social Media | 4 comments

Creative Commons License photo credit: Evelyn Proimos Most marketers used to think blogs were strictly for writers, authors, and the opinionated.  With the birth of the blog, millions who needed an outlet to vent, pontificate or simply self-publish finally had a platform to do so.  Soon enough, it seemed like everyone and their brother had a blog. At last count (according to Blog Pulse and this site) there are around 130 million blogs on the Internet.  There are only about a million more websites (around 235 million total) than blogs online.  So if it feels like you’re the only one without a blog, you’re not imagining things – blogs are breeding like rabbits. But why blogs for business?  And if you're an entrepreneur or marketer, why should you care?  

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Twitter Step-by-Step: Building Follows & Engagement

by Karen Talavera

08 26, 2010 | Posted in Digital Marketing, Marketing Vision, Social Media, Twitter | 0 comments

Figuring out whom to follow on Twitter can be time-consuming.  With over 75 million Twitter accounts, how on earth do you figure out who you have anything in common with?  It’s easy to feel overwhelmed before even getting started. Twitter, however, is all about engagement, so it pays not to dilly-dally but instead, jump in and begin making those connections.  Here’s a three-step process to instantly see who shares your interests so you can decide who to follow and get the conversations flowing!  

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Are Your Blog and Email Friends?

by Karen Talavera

08 26, 2010 | Posted in Blog Marketing, Digital Marketing, Email Marketing | 3 comments


photo credit: seriousbri

Sometimes we get so caught up just keeping our email programs running that we get tunnel vision.  We forget that email is an essential tool in the marketing toolbox, an ingredient in the marketing mix, and not a channel to be kept unto itself. There's been plenty written about integrating email and social media (I know, I wrote some of it!) but what about an even more obvious connection you can make - integrating email with your blog?  Here are three easy ways to do so:  

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