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Viewing posts from: September 2010

Are You Pulling the Trigger? (part 1 of 3)

by Karen Talavera

09 28, 2010 | Posted in Email Marketing, Targeting & Segmentation | 1 comments

When I teach email marketing, I always explain that there are two main “flavors” of messages: broadcast email – a uniform message sent to everyone on the list, and triggered email – a message triggered by an event, time or action sent to a specific person for a specific reason.  Although you can segment your list and version your broadcast campaigns to specified groups with different offers and creative for say, men vs. women, the real power of personalization and relevance lies in trigger-based email. Jupiter Research* found that behaviorally-targeted trigger email campaigns get 30% higher open and click-through rates and three times the conversion rates of broadcast email (this is even higher response than tightly-segmented broadcast campaigns receive).  And if that’s not enough reason to get on board, eMarketer just reported that  

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How to Identify Your Brand’s Biggest Fans on Your Email List

by Karen Talavera

09 16, 2010 | Posted in Customer Loyalty, Email Marketing, Social Media | 0 comments

Being Famous

photo credit: kozumel

On any email list, there will be three populations: the people who love you, the people who like you, and the group who are just hanging in there.  Last month I wrote about how to re-engage inactives, but this month I’d like to focus on a far more appealing sector: the people who love you. I call them brand loyalists.

So how do you figure out who's who?  Here are five ways to identify brand loyalists on your email list:
  1. They open more than 80% of your emails.  Brand loyalists keep an eye peeled for what you have to say, so when you show up in the inbox they’re curious enough to open and at least skim your message, even if they’re not in the market to buy or respond right then and there.  

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