Viewing posts categorised under: Messaging Strategy
'Tis the season for holiday email! With brands increasing their sophistication and send volume annually, we were delighted to contribute to Email Monks recent Holiday Email Success Guide.
See month-by-month tips to take you from October through January from Karen and the other experts. We still have a ways to go, so don't miss it!
Wishing you all the wonders of the season and the Happiest of Holidays from all of us here at Synchronicity Marketing.
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Shopping cart abandonment emails—aka cart recovery campaigns—have long been a mainstay in the campaign arsenal of retailers and e-tailers, but what about the rest of us? Can we benefit from abandonment recovery campaigns, and should they be an essential in email marketing programs?
Brands, companies and products that don’t normally lend themselves to e-commerce or naturally have longer and more winding customer journeys than retail also have engagement and conversion points along the way. If abandoned, these missed conversion opportunities represent lost revenue.
So even though “the rest of us” may not have online shopping carts on our websites or an e-commerce business model, it absolutely makes sense to be listening for abandonment signals and responding with recovery email campaigns.
Let’s consider a few scenarios and—with insight from those early-adopter retailers— lay down best practices for abandonment recovery that are widely adaptable to nearly any email marketer (click to continue)
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I was recently interviewed by Doug Morneau for his Real Marketing Real Fast Podcast and invite you to give it a listen. Here are some of the highlights we hit upon:
- Email is going through a massive renaissance
- Let behavior drive what you send. Track subscriber engagement with and response to your email, then follow up with messaging relevant to their content, offer and/or product interests
- Think in terms of normal human dialog vs. "blasting": talk to your subscribers, not at them!
- Have realistic expectations of what email can do. Use it to nurture and build relationships over time vs. expecting single messages to accomplish conversion in one fell swoop
- Understand your customer's journey and align email messaging to key points on it
Click to listen or read the transcript.
Then tell me - where do you see email marketing going? What do you agree or disagree with? I'd love to see your thoughts in comments blow. Enjoy!
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If yours is like the majority of companies reliant on email marketing to nurture leads, generate sales and grow revenue, you’re not sending fewer messages, you’re sending more. As programs become more sophisticated, they also become more complex, and that complexity bleeds over into both planning and scheduling. Which campaigns and messages deserve top priority? What’s more important – broadly targeted one-to-many foundational programs or automated, triggered 1:1 campaigns? What about the mix of promotion vs. content over an extended period? These questions and more are just the tip of the iceberg email marketers face when building their annual plans.
The answers aren’t always easy and are different for every industry and marketer, but there is a process for success
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If yours is a retail or e-tail business revving up your holiday email marketing engines, this advice is
not for you (but good luck and Godspeed!)
If on the other hand you’re in the same camp as non-retailers - your email messages running the risk of being stampeded by the crushing annual blow of “buy now” retail promotional messages to consumer inboxes from September through December - read on.
Although some non-retail sectors (travel and hospitality among them) experience an uptick during the holiday season, most can’t count on the lion’s share of their annual revenues to cascade in during Q4. Still, that doesn’t mean we don’t have sales and marketing goals to reach; goals that email carries a lot of weight for.
So how do you break from the retail holiday marketing pack during the busy season and what (if anything holiday-related) type of email should you send? See more
With the first quarter of the year behind us already, what will you do to maximize email marketing’s contribution to your bottom line from here on out? Although raising email open and click-through rates seems to be forever on the agenda, there’s a lot more to creating a successful program than focusing on boosting response and engagement.
Here are three worthy challenges to put in place for the remainder of your marketing and business year that will have you
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This month I thought I'd share a webinar I recently presented for BrightTALK: 4 Content Marketing Approaches Every Email Program Can Profit From.
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As a marketing channel, email is coming off a banner year! 2013 boasts some of the most significant investment and acquisition activity in the industry’s 20-year history ( acquired ExactTarget for almost $3 billion, Oracle offered $1.58 billion for Responsys). Despite the occasional sensational headline to the contrary, email marketing’s use and popularity continues to grow and technical innovations abound.
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In my ongoing series of email marketing conundrums, I couldn’t possibly overlook this one: declining email marketing open rates.
Although much has been written on the subject, my goal is to provide you with not just a diagnostic checklist for investigating why open rates are falling nor to hand you a “best practices” list of what to do to reverse the decline, but to go beyond that by (most of all) giving you a “reality check” on the subject and presenting a new, more constructive way to see this situation, as well as a new mindset on email marketing performance measurement altogether. In short: while we do need to pay attention to declining open rates, there’s too much focus on them at the expense of more meaningful email marketing performance measures.
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As marketing channels go, email has always excelled at developing customer relationships. The key to thousands of successful email programs lies not in using the channel as a low-cost broadcasting medium, but as a relationship-building conduit. Email shines brightest when message purpose, timing, offers and value are matched to distinct customer relationship stages.
Designing an email program to fit customer relationship stages is often compared to dating. New relationships begin cautiously, with each party sharing limited information until mutual trust is built, then expanding their level of intimacy over time. Just as we don’t jump from first date to marriage, neither should your email marketing program ask too much too soon from your customers.
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