Happy Holiday Email! Unconventional Strategies for Success
by Karen Talavera
12 18, 2018 | Posted in Creative, Email Marketing, Messaging Strategy | 0 comments
'Tis the season for holiday email! With brands increasing their sophistication and send volume annually, we were delighted to contribute to Email Monks recent Holiday Email Success Guide. See month-by-month tips to take you from October through January from Karen and the other experts. We still have a ways to go, so don't miss it! Wishing you all the wonders of the season and the Happiest of Holidays from all of us here at Synchronicity Marketing.
Email Design & Coding – The Ultimate Resource List For Remarkable Email Creative
by Karen Talavera
10 27, 2017 | Posted in Creative, Email Marketing, Graphic Design, Resources for Getting It Done | 5 comments
If you're involved in email marketing creative, you'll love this! Sure there's a ton of detailed information about design and coding hacks, tips, tactics and tools online; you could be reading for days. What you need is a master list of all the best places to go for that advice, plus the tech and software that make features like video in email, dynamic content, countdown timers, side scrolling and more easily possible. So we were inspired to produce this list of favorites. Bookmark it and explore to your heart's content. And here's to continually raising the bar on really good email!
Game-Changing Insights for Your 2015 Email Marketing
by Karen Talavera
12 17, 2014 | Posted in Audience & List Growth, Creative, Email Lists, Email Marketing, Marketing Vision, Response Improvement | 0 comments
Inspiration from the 2015 Email "To-Do" Lists of Leading Brands
I'm just back from the MediaPost Email Insider’s Summit at Deer Valley in Utah ski country. Boasting record attendance and the active participation of big brands, the event is always a nexus for email marketing growth, expansion and innovation ideas. With attendees from Wendy’s, Office Depot, Amazon, Bank of the West, Angie’s List, American Airlines and countless other marquee brands, this time didn't disappoint. In short: everyone’s excited (and in some cases a little daunted by) the email marketing goals they aim to accomplish in the coming year. Here’s what’s on the 2015 “to-do” list of top marketers and should be on yours as well:10 Emotionally-Provocative Email Subject Lines (and what you should learn from them)
by Karen Talavera
09 30, 2014 | Posted in Creative, Email Marketing, Response Improvement | 0 comments
One of the best ways to engage email subscribers is to connect with them emotionally, although this is often easier said than done. I have spoken and written many times about the importance of creating emotional resonance – either positive or negative – between your message and your audience. It's essential because without some sort of feeling connection to you, at least occasionally, subscribers will become bored by the purely practical often repetitive litany of subject lines cropping up in their inboxes (i.e. 20% savings this week!) and easily tune out.
Bringing Sexy Back to Email: 3 More Ways to Stand Out in a Crowded Inbox
by Karen Talavera
05 16, 2012 | Posted in Content Marketing, Creative, Email Marketing, Messaging Strategy | 17 comments
Unless you overhear a conversation about porn spam, the words “email” and “sexy” don’t get used in the same sentence very often. Email, the loyal silent workhorse of social media, steadfast driver of e-commerce, overshadowed stepsister of search, is more often likened to Martha Stewart – reliable, conservative and past her prime – than Angelina Jolie – slinky, seductive, and unpredictable – although both have built sizable empires of wealth and influence. That is, until now. Oh yeah, we’re finally bringing sexy back to email marketing.
Are You Speaking the Language of Results?
by Karen Talavera
09 30, 2011 | Posted in Creative, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Messaging Strategy | 0 comments
Three Tried and True Email Creative Tactics for Instant Visibility in a Crowded Inbox
by Karen Talavera
09 14, 2011 | Posted in Creative, Email Marketing, Messaging Strategy | 2 comments
Three Holiday Retail Email Marketing Lessons for Non-Retail Companies
by Karen Talavera
12 20, 2010 | Posted in Creative, Customer Loyalty, Email Marketing | 0 comments
Vary frequency and cadence seasonally
Retailers live and die by the holiday gift giving season (hence the term “black Friday” for the day after Thanksgiving, traditionally the biggest shopping day of the year on which many retail businesses that haven’t yet made an annual profit will go from “being in the red” to “being in the black”). Even before the days of e-commerce, holiday messaging was much more frequent than advertising done at other times of the year. This increase is easy to see in the email marketing frequency of retailers, which goes from monthly or weekly to as often as weekly or daily during November and December. It may not be at holiday time, but chances are there is a period or there are seasons when it makes sense to increase yourAvoiding Forgotten Stepchild Syndrome in Email Design
by Karen Talavera
10 14, 2010 | Posted in Creative, Email Marketing | 0 comments
Thankfully, the days of silo-ed email marketing run by two techies hunched in a shared cubicle wedged into a forgotten corner far from the marketing department are largely over at most companies. However, marketing email can still suffer from "forgotten stepchild syndrome" when it comes to design.
It's a fair enough question: "Should my email creative match the design/look/feel of my company's website?" Ideally yes, provided your website was created or at least had a face lift in the last few years. (If it hasn't been touched since 2002, that's a different story.) But in general, yes, from a creative standpoint your email marketing messages need to be included in your digital family.