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Viewing posts from: May 2011

Getting Them to Say “Yes!”

by Karen Talavera

05 30, 2011 | Posted in Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Marketing Vision | 0 comments

Getting Them to Say YES!

photo credit: lukxde

One of my recent posts made the case for opt-in over opt-out marketing.  I realize that’s all well and good until it becomes time to convince people to say yes, right? So this month I want to share four insights into what psychologically motivates people to say yes when given the opportunity to take action:


It’s universally human that we would rather be asked than tricked or forced.  Free will is one of the very cornerstones of human nature.  When it’s all said and done, we’d rather be given the chance to make a conscious decision than cornered into unconscious choices we end up inevitably regretting.  So when it comes to asking someone to join your email or social media sphere, don't fall back on deception and coercion.  You don’t need to sneak them in under the wire. Simply invite them and trust that they can decide for themselves what is in their own best interests.  

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The Number One Way to Connect Your Email and Social Media Marketing

by Karen Talavera

05 20, 2011 | Posted in Email Marketing, Multi-Channel Marketing, Social Media | 6 comments

Connect Email and Social Media Marketing

photo credit: kirstyhall

With so many ways to integrate email and social media we have almost unlimited options for leveraging connection between these two powerful conversation marketing channels.  Still, for those at the beginning of the process it pays to know where to start. I’m often asked what the number one way to connect email and social media marketing is, so whether your presence on social media is brand new or you’re an experienced marketer wanting to make sure you don’t overlook the obvious, here’s my answer:

Use email marketing to invite connections on social media


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