Are You Speaking the Language of Results?
by Karen Talavera
09 30, 2011 | Posted in Creative, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Messaging Strategy | 0 comments
It’s probably the number one rookie mistake in advertising and marketing copy writing. It can tank an otherwise exceptional sales offer to the exact right audience. It’s guaranteed to bore readers and listeners to death, and it’s a downright sin in direct response.
What is this ill? It is writing or talking about – or to – ourselves rather than our potential and current customers. In other words, speaking in the language of “me” rather than “you”.
And it’s both so pervasive and toxic that it’s exactly why when it comes to much of what you write online – from your email offers to your social media status updates to your product and sales pages – it’s imperative that you answer the question eternally hovering on the tip of your readers’ tongues: WIIFM? (What’s In It For Me?)
In other words, that you learn to speak the Language of Results.
Okay, What’s In It For Me?
In the spirit of practicing what I preach, what is in it for you to learn the Language of Results and apply it to your marketing?These 5 powerful benefits spring to mind:
1) More customers
2) More sales
3) Improved customer retention and renewal
4) Continuous revenue/income generation (fewer peaks and valleys)
5) Greater buyer satisfaction
The Language De-Mystified
Let’s take a look at a few elements you won’t find in the Language of Results:
- Detailed product specs
- Lengthy feature lists
- The back-story or history of the product’s creation
- Your logo
- Extensive terms and conditions
- Rules and regulations
Don’t get me wrong, each of these items have their purpose and specific place in your marketing. It’s the emphasis you give them that matters. These items accomplish other necessary tasks in the sales and marketing process, but will fail when relied upon to answer reasons why, create justifications and motivate response.
Now let’s see some of the components that definitely are part of the Language of Results:
- Customer testimonials – the more descriptive of actual results, the better
- Images and photos portraying products or services successfully (or beautifully) in use
- Reasons to buy – simple “benefits” lists will suffice, but you can go positive or negative here (be careful portraying too grim a picture of not buying)
- Outcomes of purchase (guaranteed or not)
- Before and after comparisons, stories or photos than illustrate positive transformation
- Facts and figures from scientific or other quantifiable studies proving results
- Money-back guarantees
The Results, Naturally
The Language of Results achieves two essential parts of the selling process: the creation of promise and the establishment of proof.
The Language of Results is about selling the sizzle, not the steak. It’s about making your value or the value of your product, service or event obvious and apparent. It’s about the transformational outcome your potential customers will experience when they take you up on your offer and apply what they’ve invested in with you.
Are your opt-in pages speaking the Language of Results? How about your sales and email campaign landing pages? Email messages themselves? E-newsletters? Product launch materials? Direct mail?
Learning to speak the Language of Results is like learning any other language: the more you practice it the better you get. If you’re struggling, a coaching program can help. Click here for more information on coaching by Synchronicity Marketing or to instantly inquire if coaching is right for you.
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