Measuring Email Marketing Impact: 3 Essential Analyses Every Program Needs
by Karen Talavera
04 23, 2013 | Posted in Email Lists, Email Marketing, Metrics | Measuring Results | 0 comments
Today it’s not enough to know how an individual email campaign performed on a one-time basis. To learn whether or not your company is deriving true value from email marketing, you need the both broader and deeper perspectives offered by program- and list-level analyses.
While standard email campaign performance metrics like delivery, open and click-through rates have their place, without looking beyond them the true impact of your email marketing – and opportunities for continuous improvement - will go undetected.
Why Email is a 2013 Marketing Essential & 5 More Email Results-Boosters
by Karen Talavera
01 14, 2013 | Posted in Email Marketing, Marketing Vision, Messaging Strategy, Response Improvement | 0 comments
If you’re like a growing majority of businesses, you've discovered email as the “go to” channel for rapidly accelerating leads into sales, increasing customer engagement and generating revenue on demand. Enterprises of all kinds engage in email marketing not only because it works, but because it works phenomenally well and fast. There is simply no doubt that email marketing is thriving when you consider these compelling facts:
Top Five Ways to Boost Email Marketing Results and Impact in 2013
by Karen Talavera
12 18, 2012 | Posted in Email Marketing, Marketing Vision, Response Improvement | 1 comments
There couldn’t be a better time to strategize final changes and improvements to your 2013 email marketing programs as you ready them for launch. In fact, while many of your new year’s email plans may be firmly sketched out, it’s not too late to give them a final polish with these insights and tweaks. Knowing where to amplify, adjust or even contract can take your email marketing programs from “ho-hum” to significantly greater impact on your bottom line in 2013.
Three Email Marketing Bottom-Line Success Metrics No Program Should Be Without
by Karen Talavera
10 11, 2012 | Posted in Email Marketing, Marketing Vision, Metrics | Measuring Results | 1 comments
Driving Better Email Response: What Makes Subscribers Say “YES!” ?
by Karen Talavera
08 31, 2012 | Posted in Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Response Improvement | 2 comments
Trial, Tactical or Strategic: How Mature is Your Digital Marketing?
by Karen Talavera
06 29, 2012 | Posted in Digital Marketing, Marketing Vision, Multi-Channel Marketing | 0 comments
There’s a clear correlation between the stage of your organization's digital marketing "maturity" and the effectiveness of your online marketing programs.
By "maturity," I mean the level of your organization's sophistication in digital marketing. Most organizations fall into one of three distinct stages at any point in time:
Bringing Sexy Back to Email: 3 More Ways to Stand Out in a Crowded Inbox
by Karen Talavera
05 16, 2012 | Posted in Content Marketing, Creative, Email Marketing, Messaging Strategy | 17 comments
Unless you overhear a conversation about porn spam, the words “email” and “sexy” don’t get used in the same sentence very often. Email, the loyal silent workhorse of social media, steadfast driver of e-commerce, overshadowed stepsister of search, is more often likened to Martha Stewart – reliable, conservative and past her prime – than Angelina Jolie – slinky, seductive, and unpredictable – although both have built sizable empires of wealth and influence.
That is, until now. Oh yeah, we’re finally bringing sexy back to email marketing.