Will You Make The Opt-In Marketing Mindset Shift?
by Karen Talavera
04 30, 2011 | Posted in Audience & List Growth, Customer Loyalty, Email Lists, Email Marketing, Marketing Vision | 1 comments
2010: Year of Conscious Marketing
by Karen Talavera
08 23, 2010 | Posted in Marketing Vision | 0 comments
photo credit: kenner116 2009 was a “watershed” year, packed with transformation and shifting, all happening to clear out the old in order to make way for the new. In watershed years, a lot of activity and change which has been slowly building over previous periods finally moves through all at once. And so it goes as the pace of change continues to accelerate in the world at large – more and more gets packed into the same seemingly-finite amount of time and space. Mentalities change faster, evolution happens at a heightened rate. You know where I’m going with this – it all impacts your marketing too. Not just how you market, but what you say and do. And it’s coming to a head in 2010, likely a waterfall year. Expect to see the flow of change speed up even more!