Bringing Sexy Back to Email: 3 More Ways to Stand Out in a Crowded Inbox
by Karen Talavera
05 16, 2012 | Posted in Content Marketing, Creative, Email Marketing, Messaging Strategy | 17 comments
Unless you overhear a conversation about porn spam, the words “email” and “sexy” don’t get used in the same sentence very often. Email, the loyal silent workhorse of social media, steadfast driver of e-commerce, overshadowed stepsister of search, is more often likened to Martha Stewart – reliable, conservative and past her prime – than Angelina Jolie – slinky, seductive, and unpredictable – although both have built sizable empires of wealth and influence.
That is, until now. Oh yeah, we’re finally bringing sexy back to email marketing.
Four Ways Email Can Strengthen Relationships in Other Marketing Channels
by Karen Talavera
08 23, 2010 | Posted in Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Multi-Channel Marketing | 2 comments
photo credit: thelittleone417
I preach a lot about getting email out of the silo it’s often relegated to within companies or marketing departments, and these days I think most marketers realize how important good email integration with other marketing (especially digital) channels and sales systems is to success. But once you’ve created a regular email communications program, or developed your smart auto-responders, are you remembering to strategically use email to strengthen and encourage relationships with your list members in other channels?