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Showing posts tagged with: recognition

Avoiding Forgotten Stepchild Syndrome in Email Design

by Karen Talavera

10 14, 2010 | Posted in Creative, Email Marketing | 0 comments

A good day out

photo credit: Pranavian

Thankfully, the days of silo-ed email marketing run by two techies hunched in a shared cubicle wedged into a forgotten corner far from the marketing department are largely over at most companies.  However, marketing email can still suffer from "forgotten stepchild syndrome" when it comes to design.

It's a fair enough question: "Should my email creative match the design/look/feel of my company's website?" Ideally yes, provided your website was created or at least had a face lift in the last few years.  (If it hasn't been touched since 2002, that's a different story.)  But in general, yes, from a creative standpoint your email marketing messages need to be included in your digital family.  

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