Three MORE Email Marketing Improvement Challenges for 2014
by Karen Talavera
05 09, 2014 | Posted in Email Marketing, Marketing Vision | 0 comments
Last month we looked at three email marketing improvement challenges for 2014. This month I want to give you three more that can maximize email’s contribution to your bottom line. Although improving email open and click-through rates seems an ever-present task, I encourage you to expand your focus beyond mere campaign-by-campaign process metrics and try these program-level objectives on for size instead: 1) Increase Subscriber Engagement Truly increasing subscriber engagement with your email campaigns means much more than merely boosting open and click-through rates, although both are important measures of engagement. It means analyzing open and click-through reach – that is, the proportion of your subscriber base, among all subscribers, who have opened or clicked at least one message over a period of time.

Are You Pulling the Trigger? (part 3 of 3)
by Karen Talavera
11 29, 2010 | Posted in Customer Loyalty, Email Marketing, Targeting & Segmentation | 4 comments
The Up-Sell/Cross-Sell: Are You Leaving Money on the Table?
Too many marketers think about email campaigns as singular blasts rather than as a progression of offers and information interwoven into a conversation – a conversation designed to maximize customer lifetime value. There are plenty of great tips for building ongoing engagement and loyalty with your list members here. Still, if you’re thinking in terms of “one and done” campaigns, it’s time to develop an up-sell/cross-sell trigger program. Here are three types of up-sell/cross-sell triggered email campaigns to implement during or after the conversion process.Are You Pulling the Trigger? (part 1 of 3)
by Karen Talavera
09 28, 2010 | Posted in Email Marketing, Targeting & Segmentation | 1 comments
When I teach email marketing, I always explain that there are two main “flavors” of messages: broadcast email – a uniform message sent to everyone on the list, and triggered email – a message triggered by an event, time or action sent to a specific person for a specific reason. Although you can segment your list and version your broadcast campaigns to specified groups with different offers and creative for say, men vs. women, the real power of personalization and relevance lies in trigger-based email. Jupiter Research* found that behaviorally-targeted trigger email campaigns get 30% higher open and click-through rates and three times the conversion rates of broadcast email (this is even higher response than tightly-segmented broadcast campaigns receive). And if that’s not enough reason to get on board, eMarketer just reported that