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Showing posts tagged with: customer loyalty

A Blueprint for Email Messaging Strategy Success

by Karen Talavera

01 31, 2014 | Posted in Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Messaging Strategy, Resources for Getting It Done | 4 comments

As a marketing channel, email is coming off a banner year! 2013 boasts some of the most significant investment and acquisition activity in the industry’s 20-year history (Salesforce.com acquired ExactTarget for almost $3 billion, Oracle offered $1.58 billion for Responsys). Despite the occasional sensational headline to the contrary, email marketing’s use and popularity continues to grow and technical innovations abound.  

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Could Inactive Email Subscribers Hurt Your Program?

by Karen Talavera

04 30, 2012 | Posted in Email Lists, Email Marketing, Multi-Channel Marketing | 7 comments

inactive email There’s a heated debate in email marketing over what to do with inactive subscribers and whether or not they can seriously  harm a sender’s reputation, deliverability and response enough to justify no longer emailing them.  The passion on both sides of this issue – the potential harmful downside of continuing to mail “inactives” juxtaposed with the potential helpful upside of keeping them on your list – makes this argument one worth taking a closer look at.  

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Getting Them to Say “Yes!”

by Karen Talavera

05 30, 2011 | Posted in Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Marketing Vision | 0 comments

Getting Them to Say YES!

photo credit: lukxde

One of my recent posts made the case for opt-in over opt-out marketing.  I realize that’s all well and good until it becomes time to convince people to say yes, right? So this month I want to share four insights into what psychologically motivates people to say yes when given the opportunity to take action:


It’s universally human that we would rather be asked than tricked or forced.  Free will is one of the very cornerstones of human nature.  When it’s all said and done, we’d rather be given the chance to make a conscious decision than cornered into unconscious choices we end up inevitably regretting.  So when it comes to asking someone to join your email or social media sphere, don't fall back on deception and coercion.  You don’t need to sneak them in under the wire. Simply invite them and trust that they can decide for themselves what is in their own best interests.  

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2011: Year of Marketing Alignment

by Karen Talavera

01 27, 2011 | Posted in Marketing Vision, Multi-Channel Marketing | 2 comments

Marketing alignment - holistic and working in harmony

photo credit: D.H. Parks

A little over a year ago, I theorized that 2010 would be the Year of Conscious Marketing.  And while I do think it has taken us more than a year to become conscious of how to use the increasingly fragmented and multiplying online marketing avenues available to us, 2010 certainly was a year in which the “what-how-which” and “why” finally began to gel for many business owners and marketing professionals. If 2009 was a watershed year – a year in which a lot of activity and change moved through at once – 2010 was what I called a waterfall year – all that change and activity began to come together in a cohesive flow.  Now, in 2011, it’s time to intentionally direct that flow to achieve our goals and desires.  

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Three Holiday Retail Email Marketing Lessons for Non-Retail Companies

by Karen Talavera

12 20, 2010 | Posted in Creative, Customer Loyalty, Email Marketing | 0 comments

Retail Email

photo credit: doug_wertman

If yours is a services business, B-to-B firm or solo-entrepreneurship, this time of year it can certainly seem like all the marketing focus is on retailers.  Yet just because retail eclipses other industries during the holidays doesn’t mean non-retailers can’t take a few lessons from retail marketers and employ similar strategies in their own communications, especially email. In the spirit of the season, here are three email marketing lessons non-retail businesses can swipe and deploy from holiday retail marketers.  Here’s hoping they enlighten your email for 2011!

Vary frequency and cadence seasonally

Retailers live and die by the holiday gift giving season (hence the term “black Friday” for the day after Thanksgiving, traditionally the biggest shopping day of the year on which many retail businesses that haven’t yet made an annual profit will go from “being in the red” to “being in the black”).  Even before the days of e-commerce, holiday messaging was much more frequent than advertising done at other times of the year.  This increase is easy to see in the email marketing frequency of retailers, which goes from monthly or weekly to as often as weekly or daily during November and December. It may not be at holiday time, but chances are there is a period or there are seasons when it makes sense to increase your  

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Are You Pulling the Trigger? (part 2 of 3)

by Karen Talavera

10 30, 2010 | Posted in Customer Loyalty, Email Marketing, Targeting & Segmentation | 0 comments


Creative Commons License photo credit: Mooganic

If you’re just tuning into this series, Part 1 explored the difference between broadcast and triggered-email, explained the role of trigger-based email, and defined the fundamental characteristics that make it so powerful.  Here in Part 2 we’ll look at the first two of four must-have triggered-email campaigns no email marketing program should be without.

Welcome and Onboarding: Are You Saying Hello?

I like to think of email in the eyes of the recipient first and foremost as a conversation marketing channel.   

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Avoiding Forgotten Stepchild Syndrome in Email Design

by Karen Talavera

10 14, 2010 | Posted in Creative, Email Marketing | 0 comments

A good day out

photo credit: Pranavian

Thankfully, the days of silo-ed email marketing run by two techies hunched in a shared cubicle wedged into a forgotten corner far from the marketing department are largely over at most companies.  However, marketing email can still suffer from "forgotten stepchild syndrome" when it comes to design.

It's a fair enough question: "Should my email creative match the design/look/feel of my company's website?" Ideally yes, provided your website was created or at least had a face lift in the last few years.  (If it hasn't been touched since 2002, that's a different story.)  But in general, yes, from a creative standpoint your email marketing messages need to be included in your digital family.  

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How to Identify Your Brand’s Biggest Fans on Your Email List

by Karen Talavera

09 16, 2010 | Posted in Customer Loyalty, Email Marketing, Social Media | 0 comments

Being Famous

photo credit: kozumel

On any email list, there will be three populations: the people who love you, the people who like you, and the group who are just hanging in there.  Last month I wrote about how to re-engage inactives, but this month I’d like to focus on a far more appealing sector: the people who love you. I call them brand loyalists.

So how do you figure out who's who?  Here are five ways to identify brand loyalists on your email list:
  1. They open more than 80% of your emails.  Brand loyalists keep an eye peeled for what you have to say, so when you show up in the inbox they’re curious enough to open and at least skim your message, even if they’re not in the market to buy or respond right then and there.  

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