Email Marketing Automation Strategies, Secrets and Lies
by Karen Talavera
08 25, 2014 | Posted in Email Marketing | 0 comments
Email automation, the ability to program email campaigns based on behavioral, date or other triggers, is a known revenue-producing powerhouse often generating three to ten-times the ROI of broadcast email. However, it's almost always easier imagined than done. In the following interview, I share several thoughts on email automation with Skip Fidura, Client Services Director of ESP dotMailer, on the challenges and conversations faced by email marketers when it comes to making triggered email programs a reality.
Is Email The Cinderella of Your Marketing?
by Karen Talavera
10 31, 2013 | Posted in Email Marketing, Marketing Vision | 0 comments
This faithful servant deserves to be treated like royalty instead. Here's why . . .
After over a decade in successful use there is abundant proof that email is not only the connective tissue of all data-driven marketing but also the revenue-producing juggernaut of digital efforts. Yet despite claiming the highest ROI of all direct marketing channels at 28.5%1, the highest driver of online conversions2 and the number two spot (second only to search) in new customer acquisition3 email marketing is still too often swept out of sight, called upon only when we need miracles worked. In over a decade of experience with the channel, I am too frequently surprised and dismayed that email is not receiving nearly the attention and investment it economically deserves.Three Big Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring Help
by Karen Talavera
09 10, 2013 | Posted in Digital Marketing, Marketing Vision, Resources for Getting It Done | 0 comments
After focusing on specific email marketing conundrums over the past several months, the Enlightened eMarketing blog is taking a breather to focus on a major business conundrum we all face: hiring effective help. This month's guest post on the topic is courtesy of small business optimizer Melanie Benson Strick (pictured here). Melanie's advice isn't just for small businesses: whether you're a solo-preneur, small local enterprise, entrepreneurial start-up, or marketing professional in a large company, everyone eventually needs to hire help. (As you know, here at Synchronicity Marketing we offer digital and email marketing help: if you're wondering how we can become part of your Dream Team let's talk).
Top Five Ways to Boost Email Marketing Results and Impact in 2013
by Karen Talavera
12 18, 2012 | Posted in Email Marketing, Marketing Vision, Response Improvement | 1 comments
There couldn’t be a better time to strategize final changes and improvements to your 2013 email marketing programs as you ready them for launch. In fact, while many of your new year’s email plans may be firmly sketched out, it’s not too late to give them a final polish with these insights and tweaks. Knowing where to amplify, adjust or even contract can take your email marketing programs from “ho-hum” to significantly greater impact on your bottom line in 2013.
Here are my top five recommendations for boosting email marketing results and impact in the coming year. Stay tuned in January for even more ideas to make 2013 your email program’s most successful year yet!2011: Year of Marketing Alignment
by Karen Talavera
01 27, 2011 | Posted in Marketing Vision, Multi-Channel Marketing | 2 comments
The Secret Ingredient for Your Online Marketing to Thrive in 2010 and Beyond
by Karen Talavera
08 26, 2010 | Posted in Marketing Vision | 0 comments
Marketing isn’t about singular tactics, tools and channels anymore, each managed neatly in its own silo (as if it ever was). Don’t limit your perception of digital marketing to adding the latest Web 2.0 gadget to your site or playing in the newest online community. It’s not about figuring out the newest tactic or technology although there are plenty, ranging from YouTube to Twitter to video, blogs, Facebook and Second Life, and then going on to the next one on the list.
Four Ways Email Can Strengthen Relationships in Other Marketing Channels
by Karen Talavera
08 23, 2010 | Posted in Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Multi-Channel Marketing | 2 comments
photo credit: thelittleone417 I preach a lot about getting email out of the silo it’s often relegated to within companies or marketing departments, and these days I think most marketers realize how important good email integration with other marketing (especially digital) channels and sales systems is to success. But once you’ve created a regular email communications program, or developed your smart auto-responders, are you remembering to strategically use email to strengthen and encourage relationships with your list members in other channels?